Relay Power is excited to announce a new partnership with Breakwater Learning!

We’re excited to announce our new partnership with Breakwater Learning! The organization will also be joining a Community Solar project to purchase solar energy credits from a nearby solar farm in Maine. Switching a portion of the organization’s usage to solar will not only cut Breakwater’s carbon footprint, it will also have cost-savings that can be put to use elsewhere in the budget.

These farms are also open to any Maine residents served by CMP, and Breakwater Learning encourages the community to join them in choosing clean energy.

David Sullivan, Breakwater Learning’s Executive Director:We’re excited to cut the school’s carbon footprint, and to be able to extend this opportunity to the community as well. Community Solar is a great new option for those that want to choose clean energy and save, but can’t install solar themselves.”

To increase the impact of each person that joins through this partnership, we will also make a $100 donation to Breakwater Learning’s Net Zero Fund! Those who join Breakwater Learning in going Community Solar will not only help fight climate change and support local clean energy – they will also save up to 15% on their electricity costs by participating.

Anyone who’s interested can learn more here!